Lancaster Vegan Cheese Company

I run a vegan cheese company, producing and distributing vegan cheese in the Lancaster area.

Team Members

Sallie McCann Tupper, Owner

The Problem

Values-driven food choices are on the rise, with 3% of all American adults eating vegan. Lancaster is no exception, hosting a vegan restaurant, Lancaster Farm Sanctuary, animal activist groups, and several prominent vegan cardiologists. Despite all this vegan energy, there is still a lack of high-quality vegan cheese. Even in Lancaster, where locally made foods are beloved and typically abound, there are almost no locally made vegan substitutes available.

The Solution

We offer shreddable, sliceable, meltable vegan cheese while prioritizing the environmental, animal rights, and physical health values that many vegans hold. Our products closely mimic dairy cheese, improving ease of use, and they regularly receive rave reviews even from non-vegans! We sell through local businesses to strengthen the local economy and plan to expand into an employee-owned company, in order to increase our capacity, while providing a values-driven livelihood to many folks, including the LGBTQ & BIPOC communities.

What makes us the right fit?

I started making vegan cheese because I didn’t want to buy expensive, mediocre cheese from big brands that didn’t have any investment in my community. I am the right fit to lead this because I love the problem-solving of starting a venture and figuring out how to maximize the benefit to people, animals, and the earth. I am passionate about both veganism and the local economy, and I want vegan options to be more accessible, delicious, and local.